Put Your Best Chin Forward with KYBELLA®!

Kybella® is a non-surgical injectable treatment for permanent reduction of moderate to severe submental fullness, otherwise known as the “double chin.” This is a common yet undertreated facial aesthetic condition that impacts a broad range of adults, including both women and men. It occurs because of several factors, such as aging, genetics and weight gain. The submental chin area is often resistant to diet and exercise, and can detract from an otherwise balanced and harmonious facial appearance.

FDA approved, and first in its class, Kybella® contains a molecule identical to the deoxycholic acid that is naturally produced in the body for breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When properly injected into submental fat, the drug destroys fat cells occurring below the chin, which are then processed through your body’s metabolic system – with notable results that patients appreciate! The in-office injection process may take as little as 20 minutes and will be tailored to your treatment goals, usually requiring 3 to 6 treatment sessions each roughly spaced out 6 to 8 weeks apart.

Kybella® is owned by Allergan®, the makers of Botox® and Juvederm®.